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Take the Leap: The BAME Initiative

The Leading Excellence in Attainment and Positive Action (LEAP) initiative aims to support BAME students in reaching their full potential. This guide will show how Information Services can support you.


Research over recent years has demonstrated that there is an attainment gap between white and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students. Reasons for the ‘gap’ is complex and stratified, with a multiplicity of personal, cultural, organisational and financial factors ( Berry and Loke, 2011; Richardson, 2008; Singh, 2011 and Stevenson, 2012). Staffordshire University’s own statistics would suggest that significantly more white than BAME students achieve ‘good degrees’ – firsts or 2:1s.

The Staffordshire University is committed to working with students and staff around issues of equality and diversity as it pertains to the attainment gap. According to the Senior Management Team:

"The University is really keen to make sure that each student maximises their potential by achieving as high a grade as possible. However, like many universities across the HE sector, we are aware that there is a differential level of attainment between some groups, with White students often performing better than Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students. Keen to address this, a number of initiatives are being introduced which will collectively contribute to a reduction in the attainment gap between White and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students. These are part of the action plan from our BAME Strategy document which was approved by Academic Board in July 2015. Indeed, this is one of our top priorities and we want to proactively work together to improve what we do. Our belief is that everyone can do something. We are always looking for new ideas and so please don’t hesitate to contact either  Dr Marj Spiller or one of the University's BAME Advocates".

View Dr Marjorie Spiller's powerpoint presentation on BAME: (17/11/2015)


Berry, J. and Loke, G. (2011) Improving the degree attainment of Black and Minority Ethnic Students, York: ECU/HEA

Richardson, J.T.E. (2008) Degree attainment,  ethnicity and gender: a literature review. ECU/HEA

Singh, G. (2011) Black and Minority Ethnic students' participation in higher education: improving retention and success. A synthesis of research evidence. HEA

Stevenson, J. (2012) Black and Minority Ethnic Student Degree Retention and Attainment. HEA