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Digital Leadership

Digital Leadership Skills for Students

Digital Innovation

Having an awareness of emerging technologies, and being willing to adapt to and use new technologies in an innovative way. 

Why is digital innovation importance?

Digital tools can help you to solve problems and address new challenges, from presenting information to collaborating online. In the workplace you may be required to go beyond presenting information in digital text form, you may have to use a multimedia to present a solution or new project. 

Sometimes you may not be able to use the digital tools that are purchased by your workplace to address a challenge and you may need to look further afield, for free tools and apps. You may also have to make a business case for purchasing a digital tool that your workplace does not already have, which will include demonstrating how it can address a particular problem.

Steps to implementing a new idea


  • Discover: Make sure your new idea that meets your customer's needs and fits with your business strategy, and it is technically feasible and can be supported
  • Test: try out your idea with a small group to see if it works and can offer real benefits
  • Go wider: develop your idea and try out with a wider group, if it addresses customers' needs it can be scaled up and rolled-out
  • Evaluate and reflect: Make improvements according to feedback, and continue to do this once initiated this may sometimes involve retiring services to ensure solutions remain relevant and cost-effective

Adapted from JISC's How We Innovate 

Multimedia Resources

  • Anab Jain Why We Need to Imagine Different Futures: Video length: 14 minutes
  • Charles Leadbetter The Era of Open Innovation: Video Length 19 minutes 
