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Blackboard "test your text"


This module has been set up to support you with using Blackboard and its features. Please note that the module is not part of your course and is not monitored by staff at the University.

Below you'll find two videos that will walk you through how to navigate and access this module and other Blackboard modules.
Once you've finished, you'll find other useful information and resources, including information about assessments, and links you can use to practice submitting your assignments, by using the menu in the left of this module. There's also a Turnitin submission link, so you can see what your similarity score is before submitting it to the real thing.
These submission points and the test can be used as many times as you like - there are no limits to the number of times you can use them.
Please note that nothing in this module counts towards or affects your marks or achievements in any way - everything can be freely used just to try things out.
Enjoy using this module!

Test Your Text

Blackboard support