Get Started: Starting an assignment?
Getting started with your first piece of written work can feel like an overwhelming task!
Use the links below to see tips and tricks on how to take those first steps.
Make sure that you know when your hand in date is and what any expected criteria or learning outcomes are for the work.
Think about planning the time you have between the date you begin the work and the stated hand in date. Plan to use your time sensibly to ensure you can complete the work without getting into a panic.
Think about any resources you already have for example, lecture notes, a text book. These will enable you to think about the question you have been set. Once you've looked over these sources, begin to think about finding any resources you don't already have in your possession. Will you need to visit the Library or to access additional material online?
This Get Started guide will provide you with links and resources which will all support you in getting started with an assignment: