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Study Skills Teachmeet - July 2015: Welcome

“Measuring the impact of Academic Skills initiatives on academic achievement and the student learning experience”

Welcome & Itinerary

Soo Plant welcomed everyone to Staffordshire University and gave a brief overview of the centralised Academic Skills Team before outlining the order of play.

Brief Overview of the ASK team:-

  • 16 members of staff (of which 5 are part time)
  • covering 3 campuses (Stoke, Stafford and Shrewsbury)
  • currently 3.5 Academic Skills (Study Skills specialists)
  • roles and responsibilities of wider team include: Subject Librarians, Study Skills, IT Support, Information Security and Data Protection and the library landscape.



Please click here to view/download the full list of attendees

Contact Details

Soo Plant, Academic Skills Tutor, Staffordshire University

01785 353288