National Police Chiefs' Council (formerly ACPO) Th
e NPCC brings police forces in the UK together to help policing coordinate operations, reform, improve and provide value for money.
Crime Prosecution Service (CPS)
The CPS operates across England and Wales, with 14 regional teams prosecuting cases locally. Each of these 14 CPS Areas is headed by a Chief Crown Prosecutor, and works closely with local police forces and other criminal justice partners. Find out who’s who in your area, and read more about local cases.
National Crime Agency
The National Crime Agency leads the UK’s fight to cut serious and organised crime, protecting the public by targeting and pursuing those criminals who pose the greatest risk to the UK.
Crime Survey for England and Wales
The Crime Survey for England and Wales is an important monitor of the extent of crime in England and Wales. It is used by the Government to evaluate and develop crime reduction policies as well as providing vital information about the changing levels of crime over the last 30 years.
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey
The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) is a large-scale social survey which asks people about their experiences and perceptions of crime in Scotland.
Crime statistics
This series brings together all documents relating to crime statistics
The main aim for is to try to reduce miscarriages of justice by providing a central, subject-based research resource for any organisation working to provide justice to their community.