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Academic Skills Connections: First year - finding your feet

Finding your feet

You will take your first steps to becoming an independent learner and develop your problem solving skills.  In addition to focusing on your subject area you will need to develop in 3 areas:-

  1. Your learning and development  - an understanding of your role as a student and the requirements of studying at University level
  2. Your research for assignmentsyour ability to locate and use academic resources
  3. Your assignments - communicating effectively your written and spoken communication skills

1. Your learning and development

An understanding of your role as a student and the requirements of studying at University level

All students have previous study experience and have prepared in different ways.  However, there will be some differences.

It is your responsibility to develop the appropriate skills to help you to enjoy being part of an academic community and pass your assignments.  The resources below contain hints and tips to get you started and help you to find your feet.

Links to University of Staffordshire webpages:  5 Key Things You Need to Know

Some interesting video clips which may appeal if you prefer sound and vision:

Some useful external webpages:

  • Save the Student (2015) 12 tips on getting a first class degree.
  • MINDTOOLS (2015): Resolving team conflict : Building stronger teams - an interactive online resource 


2. Your research for assignments

Your ability to locate and use academic resources

Need help?  This podcast explains how to get started with your research and contains hints and tips on using the reading list in Blackboard to do simple searches in Summon, accessing databases, and how to find out who your librarian is. 

3. Your assignments - communicating effectively

Your written and spoken communication skills

In order to pass the wide range of assignments you will need to develop your communication skills.

WHY?  You need to be able to give a structured, evidence based, academic response in order to:-

  • demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge and understanding
  • answer the question / solve the problem

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