Database: Instructions for screen reader and keyboard users:
Full text is provided in HTML or PDF or in some cases both formats. Use the HTML version when available, as the accessibility of PDFs to screen reader users varies.
Articles can be listened to and the audio downloaded using ReadSpeaker. Choose the Listen link in the HTML full text record of an article to hear the audio file . If you use ReadSpeaker with a screen reader to stop the audio, list the links on the page and select Stop.
Keyboard users: To refine your search it is quicker to access the Search Options on the search pages rather than the Refine Results option on the results page. On the results page, to close the Relevance, Page Options and Share drop down boxes if you don't want to select any of the options in the list, tab back up to heading and press Enter.
Accessibility issues
Instructions for screen reader and keyboard users:
Full text is provided in HTML or PDF or in some cases both formats. Use the HTML version when available, as the accessibility of PDFs to screen reader users varies.
Articles can be listened to and the audio downloaded using ReadSpeaker. Choose the Listen link in the HTML full text record of an article to hear the audio file . If you use ReadSpeaker with a screen reader to stop the audio, list the links on the page and select Stop.
Keyboard users: To refine your search it is quicker to access the Search Options on the search pages rather than the Refine Results option on the results page. On the results page, to close the Relevance, Page Options and Share drop down boxes if you don't want to select any of the options in the list, tab back up to heading and press Enter.