Resource type: Journals, Ebooks
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Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
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The Search results provide links to the journal title, AbstractPlus and PDF full text. References are listed in the order article title, author, journal title, Digital Object Identifier (number used for linking) and volume details followed by AbstractPlus and PDF. PDF's need to be converted using Adobe Reader 7.0. Articles can be converted to a more accessible format using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) equipment such as Kurzweil.
Publisher website:
The content served on IEEE Xplore and its sub sites are in standard HTML and JSP format. These formats are accessible to users with screen readers and text browsers. Non-textual content such as graphics, icons, etc. use alternative image attributes that can be read by screen readers and text browsers.
The IEEE Xplore site relies on Portable Document Format (PDF) as the format for content and layout of online publications. There is a detailed PDF specification that provides requirements for author submission of articles. PDF documents are most easily viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader™, version 5.0 or higher. Acrobat Reader can be freely downloaded from Adobe Systems, Inc.
Note: Adobe Acrobat offers capabilities which enable users with disabilities to access PDF documents by means of text-to-speech read aloud features, customization of font size, ability to view in high contrast mode and use of keyboard navigation.
The IEEE Xplore site uses accessible colors and fonts generated using CSS. Certain sections of the IEEE Xplore site may require adjustments for proper rendering on screen readers and text browsers. Default styles/views can be disabled by going to your browser's 'Preference' or 'Options' menu. In addition, IEEE has implemented "ALT" and "TITLE" tags, including all special characters rendered as in-line or displayed images.