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Cyber Security

Resources for Cyber Security

The Library provides a wide range of resources to support you in your research. 

Databases are one of the best types of resource to get familiar with.

We use the term ‘database’ to describe a searchable collections of online resources which contain items such as journal articles, books, and images. Using the databases recommended for your subject will help you find reliable information from trusted sources.

What are Articles, Journals and Databases and why are they important?

As a student in higher education your tutors will be looking for evidence that you have used a wide range of resources in your studies.  Journals are one such resource.  They can provide up to date, specialised information on topics which are not always found in books.  There are two main types of journal.

Academic Journals for example:

  • International Journal of Web Information Systems

Trade, general and professional magazines for example:

  • IT Now
  • PC World


It is useful to understand how articles, journals and databases fit together, 

databases journal article


The A-Z of Databases page provides access to all of our subscription Library databases so you can find the best resources for your research. You can locate the database you require by selecting the appropriate letter below, or select a subject from the Subject drop-down list to see all the recommended databases for that area. You can also use the Database Type drop-down list to show just Full-text databases, eBooks, articles etc.


                A-Z Databases

Searching for articles on computing topics

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Full text articles that can be viewed, saved and printed using: