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AI and Generative AI

Welcome to this Library guide on AI and Generative AI.

This guide has been designed to introduce students to artifical intelligence (AI), Generative AI (Gen AI) and the ethical use of such tools in academia.


robot graphic with documents cpming out of its head


AI, Ethics and Academia

It's a good place to start, but a terrible place to finish!

AI tools can be useful in supporting your learning and writing at University but you need to be clear on how and when they should be used.

See below some questions and answers which help clarify the use of AI.


Please use the pages on the left to select the area and topic you are interested in.

Disclaimer - The Library team are not experts in AI.

AI, Gen AI (ChatGPT) and Academia

This video offers a condensed overview of the session conducted by the Library. It serves as an introduction for both students and staff, exploring the realms of AI and Generative AI and their intersection with University studies.

To access a transcript for this video please view it using the Watch on YouTube option.