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Staffordshire University Library Teachmeets: Welcome

Presentations, photographs and notes from the Teachmeets held from 2013 onwards at Staffordshire University

Welcome to the Teachmeets Libguide!

Hello and welcome to the resource pages for the University of Staffordshire Library Teachmeets.

The first event was held at the Thompson Library, Stoke-on-Trent, on 20th November 2013, where the theme was 'Create the Difference'. We have also run events with the themes: 'Getting the Message Across', 'Digital Literacy', 'Resource Discovery', 'Adding value to the user experience. 'Leaner Spaces' and 'Accessibility'. Our most recent event was on 4h May 2017 with the theme of 'Making Voting Judgements: an Information Literacy Approach'.                                                                                                                                                                                 Use the tabs to find presentations and notes from the events and feel free to contact me if you'd like to add anything to these pages.

Making, talking and sharing


Our Sponsor

CILIP Information Literacy Group

Teachmeets Organiser

Profile Photo
Eleanor Johnston
Creative Collection & Catalyst Building

I run online appointments via Teams, Blackboard Collaborate and Zoom.

01782 294809

Photo credits

Photographs by Sue Howlett and Lydia Bales, University of Staffordshire.