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Research Publishing

A guide for University of Staffordshire Researchers


Training & Support

  • Overviews of REF 2021; open access; bibliometrics; improving impact
  • Support for literature reviews and systematic reviews
  • Publishing to STORE

Support for staff publishing to STORE

  • We can check and give advice on copyright for articles
  • Reporting

We can run and manipulate the data for the following reports from STORE

  • Compliance reports
  • Accepted article reports
  • Status reports
  • School reports

We can provide overviews of staff outputs from STORE e.g. highest downloads and monthly reports for UOA leads.

Accepted author manuscript (AAM) Version of paper incorporating changes arising from peer review, but before publisher formatting. Also known as Author's manuscript, accepted manuscript and postprint.
Altmetrics The concept of alternative metrics as indicators of non-traditional forms of research impact including social media and news reports.
Article processing charge (APC) Fee paid for papers published through the Gold route. 
CC-BY Creative Commons attribution copyright license which allows for unrestricted reuse of content with the requirement that the source work is appropriately attributed. 

Digital Object Identifier 

A permanent identifier given to a Web file or other Internet document so that if its Internet address changes, users will be redirected to its new address. 
Embargo period A length of time that publishers set before authors are allowed to make publications Green open access. Embargos may vary and further information can be found using the Sherpa/RoMEO tool.
ePrint Electronic version of an academic research paper
Gold route The Gold route achieves immediate online public open access via your chosen publisher, usually for a fee called an article processing charge (APC). 
Green route The Green route involves the author publishing through the traditional route with researchers self-archiving preprints or postprints in the institutional repository (STORE). Publisher embargo periods may be imposed for papers published through the green route.
HEFCE Higher Education Funding Council for England funding teaching and research (Until 1st April 2018 - replaced by the Office for Students)
Hybrid journal Published under a subscription model with open access granted to individual articles on payment of a publishing fee or APC payment.
Metadata Data that describes other data. For items in open access repositories, this usually consists of a full biblographic reference, abstract, keywords, and similar information.
Office for Students The Office for Students is the independent regulator of higher education in England.
Open Access

Allows free online access to research publications.

ORCID ORCID provides researchers with a persistent digital identifier giving individuals a unique identity to use in the research community.
Postprint The version of a paper or article after peer-review but before publication. This version will contain revisions, and is often referred to as the accepted author manuscript.
Preprint A draft of an academic article or other publication before it has been submitted for peer-review or other quality assurance procedure as part of the publication process. Preprints cover initial and successive drafts of articles, working papers or draft conference papers.
Publisher PDF The final version for publication including publishers typesetting and formatting. In many cases the author is not able to use the publisher's PDF file, and should make their own for the purposes of self-archiving. This version is also sometimes referred to as the version of record or publisher version. 
Repository A website that aims to collect, preserve and proffer electronically the intellectual output of a subject or organisation.
Research Excellence Framework
Assesses the impact of research carried out in British higher education institutions.
Self-archiving For the purposes of open access, self-archiving is the act of depositing an electronic version of a paper or article in an institutional or subject specific repository (STORE). This is usually the accepted author manuscript or preprint version.
SHERPA A service that aggregates publisher self-archiving policies to provide a quick source of information about publisher copyright policies and embargo periods. SHERPA/RoMEO provides self-archiving policies and SHERPA/FACT links this to information about funder compliance.
 STORE a digital archive of research and scholarly output produced by University of Staffordshire staff and researchers.
UKRI Open Access Policy UK Research and Innovation aims to achieve immediate, unrestricted online access to peer-reviewed published papers free of charge at the point of access.
Version of record The final version of a paper that has been made available by a publisher. This version will have proof corrections, been through copy editing and will include final formatting. The version of record is also sometimes known as the article of record, the publisher PDF or the publisher version.