What is ORCID?
ORCID stands for Open Researcher & Contributor ID and is a persistent digital identifier that will help distinguish you from other researchers. It is also likely to be a requirement for submitting to the next REF.
Your ORCiD can be added to STORE and to your publications to ensure that they are identified as your work. An ORCiD will also help other researchers locate and cite your work.
Your ORCiD profile is owned and managed by you, which means it will stay with you no matter where your research career takes you. It can be linked to a range of information such as publications, grants, education and employment history, helping you apply throughout your career as you apply for posts, research projects and grants.
How do I get an ORCiD?
ORCIDs are free and they are not tied to the University but can be used by the University to link your publications, promote impact and co-ordinate funding bids.
Registering for an ORCID profile is straightforward and only takes about a minute on orcid.org
Linking your ORCiD to SCOPUS
Once you have an ORCID and have checked that you can log into the account go to https://orcid.scopusfeedback.com/#/ and follow the on-screen instructions
Correcting your Author Profile in SCOPUS
You may find that you need to correct your SCOPUS author profile. For example if you have several different versions of your name listed, or you would like to add a name variation.
To do this you can use the Author Feedback Wizard. Go to https://www.scopus.com/feedback/author/home.uri and follow the on-screen instructions.
Please note all journals are not cited in Scopus so you may not have an author profile in Scopus
For any assistance please email store@staffs.ac.uk