Document Delivery Service
This service is for requesting books, journal articles, reports and conference proceedings that University of Staffordshire Libraries do not hold in stock.
Please note that this service is for University of Staffordshire staff and students only.
The university libraries use the British Library Document Supply Service (BLDSS)
The charge for University of Staffordshire staff and students will be £5 per item.
To begin with, you will need to register with BLDSS, creating a personal account and also to make an association with University of Staffordshire.
You will be able to select and order books for home delivery or request documents for delivery direct to your desktop.
Follow the step by step instructions in our guide on how to use the BLDSS On Demand service available below
If you wish to order a Thesis – please visit the British Library EThOS web site to search for titles or subjects. This is a self-service provision and payment may be required independently.
Note: EThOS is currently unavailable due to the security incident at the British Library. We have created some guidance on alternatives ways to access doctoral theses while access to to EThOS is disrupted.
For further information please contact: