Assignment Survival Guide
This guide will help you to work through the experience of writing your first essay at University;all the way from first receiving the title your tutor has set to the final electronic hand-in.
The key thing is not to panic!
You've just won a place to study at University of Staffordshire so you know that you can do this, just keep calm and follow this 10 step guide to working your way through this experience calmly and with the minimum anxiety.

Dividing up the time you have to spend on the essay is crucial.
Say you have allotted 20 hours in which to complete the work, you might want to spend 20% of your time planning the work, 40% of the time researching the topic and the last 40% writing and drafting your essay.
That would be 4 hours planning, 8 hours researching and 8 hours writing. Some people prefer to spend more time reading and less writing- it is, of course, up to you but try the 20/40/40 approach and modify it if it doesn't feel like it is working for you.