Have you been given a research question?
If you have a particular question to answer, read it carefully.
Look for
- Instruction words
- Topic words
- Any other words that might restrict the topic in some way
"Discuss the attraction of TV comedy programmes and analyse the ways in which the genre is communicated through the medium"
"Analyse" is an instruction word. It is asking you to focus on the "how" and "why" of an issue or topic-in this case how television comedy programmes are communicated.
"Discuss" is another instruction. It is asking you to present a point of view and argue both sides of an issue with supporting evidence. In this case the attraction of TV comedy programmes.
Topic words are the words that tell you "what" you have to write about. In this case Comedy programmes, Television.
There are also obvious restrictive words - you are to concentrate on TV not radio, comedy programmes not thrillers etc.
Follow this link for more instruction words that you might find in your essay question.
Taken from:
Lillis, T. (2001). 'Essay Writing' In Drew, S, Bingham, R, The Student Skills Guide pp. 53 - 76, Gower.
By now you should have a clearer idea of what you have to do.