Tips for sticky situations
When you come to write up your essay, there are a few common problems you may encounter. The tips below should help with some of the most common of these.
Writers block
Sometimes you may not be able to decide how to start writing. Don't sit staring at a blank piece of paper or screen. Just start writing something even if it is just notes and ideas. You'll be surprised once you start how the ideas start to flow. You may need to go back and edit what you have done later, but at least you have something down.
The recently introduced Dictate feature in Word can also be helpful. This will type up what you say and although it may not get every word correct can be a greet way to get something ion a page. You will find the Dictate button under the Home tab. There is more information on using Dictate on the Microsoft website.
Can't fill the word limit
This may be because you do not know enough about the subject. Go back and look at your initial plan and maybe do further research and reading.
One thing you must not do to pad out your words is to repeat yourself, or use long, complicated sentences and phrases with lots of adjectives. It is obvious to the reader of your essay when you have done that. These superfluous words will not contribute to you getting a good mark.
Can't keep inside the word limit
If this is a problem, then you may have padded out your sentences too much. Read through and see if you can phrase things more concisely. Or you may be trying to cover too much material. Read through your plan again and try to focus on a narrower range of issues that you can discuss fully, or if more appropriate cover the same range of issues but at a broader level.
For more information on writing up your assignment have a look at the following links: