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Computer Games

Reading lists

Most modules have a reading list to support your studies with essential and recommended books and articles. Our new Reading Lists Online system allows you to easily access electronic content on the list and find out the latest status of print books - and request these through our Click and Collect service.

You should find a link to your reading list through Blackboard (or MS Teams if that is used for your module).  You can also access the system through the link below. On the Find Lists page you can search by your module title, module code or the name of your module leader.  

Online books

Game Writing

As the videogame industry has grown up, the need for better stories and characters has dramatically increased, yet traditional screenwriting techniques alone cannot equip writers for the unique challenges of writing stories where the actions and decisions of a diverse range of players are at the centre of every narrative experience.

Writing for Video Game Genres

This book, written and edited by members of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA)

Unreal Engine 4 Game Development Quick Start Guide: Programming professional 3D games with Unreal Engine 4

Learn how to use Unreal Engine 4 by building 3D and multiplayer games using Blueprints Key Features

Looking for eBooks

You should be able to access eResources by following the links below and logging on with your usual University of Staffordshire username and password (the details you use to logon to BlackBoard). If you need help accessing eResources there is help on the web site under eResources FAQ and eResources Help and advice

Books for your subject Games

Computer games programming books are available to borrow in the Octagon Library, Stafford and Thompson Library, Stoke.
Some library shelf numbers to help you find computer games programming books

Subject Shelf number
Human-computer interaction 004.019
Programming languages 005.13
Artificial intelligence 006.3
3D graphics 006.693
Virtual reality
Computers: social aspects
Educational games 371.334
Sound synthesis  
Animation 791.4334
Game design
Computer games
Computer game development      794.88526

Guide to using ebooks

Ebooks are electronic versions of print texts and are available to you 24/7 from any device which is connected to the internet, so can be used anytime and anywhere both on and off campus. When we buy books we have a 'digital first' approach so you will find we have access to thousands of ebooks and many of the recommended resources on your reading lists will be available electronically.

Ebooks have a range of features to allow you to make notes, highlight text and change appearance to help make them more accessible to you.

Look at our detailed ebooks guide to learn more about the various ebook platforms we subscribe to and how you can make best use of each of these.