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Research Postgraduate support

Support for PGRs, PhD and Professional Doctorate students

How we support you as a postgraduate researcher

Are you looking for advice and support on your research journey?

As you progress with your research you are likely to need to use more advanced features within our systems and software, or even to use different resources than you have up to now.

The Library and Learning Service has three ways to help you adapt,

  1. We have a range of 'how-to' guides and videos which you can access wherever and whenever you need. 
  2. You can take part in one of our free online workshops 
  3. You can book an individual advice session with one of the professionals on our team.

1. How-to guides

Make a start right now!

Academic Study Skills guides

Our academic study skills guides are a great starting point on some essential skills such as search strategies,reference management, academic writing.  Some of the most relevant guides for researchers are:



Qualtrics is a  web-based survey software tool available for use by all University of Staffordshire staff and students.  Qualtrics can be used to conduct publicly-available surveys, or to give specific users access to a survey. 

Research publishing

This is an aspect of the postgraduate learning journey which you may wish to pursue at an advanced level - not necessarily something you will be doing in the first year of your studies.

Additional helpful resources

Video tutorials

The Library and Learning Services YouTube Channel has videos tutorials of some of our main tools and resources, plus recordings of our workshops.

2. Workshops

Look at the rolling programme of online workshops which focus on topics such as academic writing, referencing, managing longer documents. Some of these are on advanced topics of particular relevance to postgraduate students, but all students are welcome to attend any of the sessions.

The upcoming Advanced workshops most relevant to postgraduates are shown below:

3. Specialist contacts

Listed here are the best contacts for advice  about a range of research related topics. The easiest way to find out how you can get more help is to email the contacts directly. Please do suggest dates/times when you are free to meet in person or via MS Teams.

Specialist subject support

We offer individual appointments and you can find out the best person to contact on the Academic Skills Tutor appointments page