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Accessibility support

Key Library links

Disability support contacts

Academic Skills Team:

Library Digitisation Service

Customer Experience Team: 

Student Inclusion Team:


We would like to thank the Disability Support Team, within the Library at King's College, University of London for their permission to re-use their original guide, which has been a huge help to us in adapting the information for University of Staffordshire students. 

This guide gathers together information on the most used resources but does not include all of the eResources we have.  For some resources it is not possible to identify the necessary information.

If you have any updates to the guidance given here, or any further hints and tips for accessing the resources you use for studying please let us know.  You can send these to us at 

Accessibility guide layout

The guide is organised alphabetically by vendor (publisher/platform).  For each vendor we have added the following information when available -

  • Resource type
  • Web accessibility standard
  • Instructions for screen reader and keyboard users
  • Link to information on the vendor's website
  • List of databases with links

There is information on assistive technology on the Additional Information page and also much more information on the Library Accessibility Support (LINK) guide.