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Types of Assignment

How to start, plan and structure your work

How to start an assignment

At university you are being taught to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant and to prioritise the content of each of your assignments.

To do this you need to align the subject matter of your work to the module learning outcomes which you are expected to achieve the assignment set. The way you interpret the learning outcomes and choose the topics you are going to address in your work demonstrates your understanding of the brief you have been given.  

You have been given an assignment brief

  1. Understand the brief.  The Terms and Definitions factsheet may help.  You need to develop your use of academic language.
  2. Find the learning outcomes that you must achieve to pass. These are on the module descriptor which is held on eVision.  For some subjects there may also be a list of professional competencies and/or standards of practice.  If this information is not available, you need to discuss this with your tutor.  Do not assume that you need to address all the learning outcomes in each assignment in the module.
  3. Mind map the assignment topic area.  Using the learning outcomes and brief cross out anything that is not relevant.  Prioritise the topics you have left from the most down to the least important.
  4. Understand what assignment format the tutor is expecting to see, for example, have you been asked to write an essay, report or presentation etc.
  5. Your brief is the aim of your assignment and your interpretation of the learning outcomes become your objectives and provides a structure for your writing.  
  6.  Assign a word count to each area of the structure. As you move from first year to third year your tutor will expect fewer topic areas and greater depth.  This means that as you head towards your final year you need to research more widely and identify and discuss the debates within the field of study.

Having read this information, find the one which links to the structure of the assignment you have been given: essay, report, literature review, presentation, reflection etc 

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