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Types of Assignment

How to start, plan and structure your work

Type of Assignment: Report

A report is a formal document that presents information, findings, or analysis on a particular topic, issue, or event. It typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, and may contain sections such as; summary, methodology, results, discussion, and recommendations. Reports are often used to communicate research findings, evaluate projects or initiatives, inform decision-making, or provide updates on progress. They are commonly used in academic, business, government, and professional contexts.


In University various formats are used to present information and learning. A report assignment is asking you to present the information using a certain format (Headings and sub-headings are common). Understanding the assignment task includes understanding the formatting required and the digital elements.

Check out our guide on breaking down the assignment task: Starting an Assignment.

For support with Word and the digital skills required to create a report contact the TILE team.

Report: Things you need to know...

Reports are like burgers, they have a top and bottom (Introduction and a conclusion) but what goes in-between can vary greatly depending on the writer and the purpose of the report. Typically, at University reports are used to evidence learning and to segment different topics for easier reader understanding (though it can also help the writer too as it helps in the creation of the content as well).

Reports are usually written to record the methodology, results and conclusions of an investigation (this may be as a result of primary research (often practical and undertaken by you) or secondary (analysis of current literature and evidence).

They are written for easy reading and discussion so headings, sub-headings, numbering, bullet points, images, tables and graphs can all be used.  Use concise, business-like language so that the reader of your report can easily understand.

Reports can be written in a variety of ways, there is not just one correct way (check assignment guidelines). A report may consist of sections such as:

  • Title  - be specific.
  • Introduction - aim(s), objectives and why this is an important area for investigation?
  • Methodology – what you did to investigate and/or research this subject?
  • Findings and discussion – what you found out and what the findings mean?
  • Conclusions – what conclusions you made? 
  • Recommendations - if needed.
  • References
  • Appendices


  • Title page - be specific.
  • Executive summary - highlights and key points from the report
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction – aim(s), objectives and why this is an important topic
  • The main body portion – what you found out and what the findings mean?
  • Conclusion  – what conclusions you made? 
  • Recommendations - if needed.
  • References
  • Appendices


An appendix comprises supplementary and extra content that is not crucial to the main body of the text, yet it can aid in offering a more comprehensive comprehension of the research problem or provide information that is too extensive to be incorporated within the main paper.

The appendix provides the reader with information needed to understand or clarify an element discussed within the main body e.g. the questions used in a survey.


Need to know more...

Try doing an advanced search, for example "report writing" + business in order to find resources appropriate to your subject area.