Having problems accessing our e-resources? Please check our handy self-help guide below.
Accessing e-resources
The best way to access the resources, we subscribe to is to search via the Library Resources webpage.
Enter your words into the box. If you enter more than 2 words and you want them to appear side by side in a search use quotation marks e.g. “climate change”
Or choose a database from the A-Z list as highlighted in the screenshot below:
You will need your university login details to be able to access the resource.
If you are asked for your username and password the log in page for our resources will look like this:
Problems accessing a resource
If you cannot access a resource try accessing a different resource via the library resources homepage https://libguides.staffs.ac.uk/libraryresources and see if you can access that.
For example:
Business Source Complete: https://libguides.staffs.ac.uk/az.php?a=b
If you can access an alternative resource:
- Please send details and a screenshot of the error message you were getting with the resource you were trying to access initially to studentconnect@staffs.ac.uk and we will investigate and resolve the issue for you.
If you cannot access the alternative resources, please try the following:
Once you have done this please:
- Close your browser and re-open it again just to make sure you are trying a new session.
- Try to access the resource again.
- If you are still not successful please try the following:
Another reason for this may be that the specific resource you are trying to access is blocked by your local institution or countries Firewall If none of the above work please check with your local IT department if access to the resource has been blocked by your institution, country or Firewall.
Resource still not accessible?
If you are still unable able to access the resource after trying the instructions above please send an email to: studentconnect@staffs.ac.uk stating the following:
Name of the resource you are trying to access
Screen shot of any error messages you receive
Confirmation you have followed the above instructions (tried an alternative resource, re-set password, closed/re-opened browser, cleared cookies/cache, tried a different browser, contacted your local IT department.
Your username
Best email address to respond to
Remember, the more information you send us, the quicker we can resolve the problem
We will then investigate and resolve the issue for you.