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Why do I have to provide my email address to Elsevier?

You may see screens when you are signing into Elsevier that ask you for your email address. 

Elsevier only asks you for your email address when you are trying to access personalized products or services. For example, your Mendeley newsfeed, SciVal, or personalized recommendations on ScienceDirect. In order to use these products or services, you'll need to create a personal Elsevier account or sign in.

You do not need to register to access paid-for content from your institution

As you use various Elsevier products and services you may see buttons which will let you sign in or get access.

You will find an explanation of these buttons below, as a student or staff member at University of Staffordshire, you should use the check access option, unless you wish to personalise your searching experience by signing in as well.

Check access

On some Elsevier products, for example on an article page on ScienceDirect, you will see the option to ‘Get Access’ or ‘Check Access’.

Elsevier needs to know which institution you are from so you can get access to your institution's subscribed content. You do not need to create an Elsevier account or sign in to Elsevier to get access to your institution’s subscribed content.

Search for your institution to check your institutional access.Find your institution

Once you choose your institution you will be directed to the remote access method that is supported by your institution, such as Federated Access.

To save time in future, you can create an Elsevier account and connect it to your institution.

Sign in

Signing in to a product, usually by providing your email address and your password, allows Elsevier to show you content that is specific to you and to personalize your experience.

  • When you are signed in you are no longer anonymous.
  • You will see the option to sign in on all Elsevier products.

Elsevier only asks you for your email address when you are trying to access personalized products or services. For example, your Mendeley newsfeed, SciVal, or personalized recommendations on ScienceDirect. In order to use these products or services, you'll need to create an Elsevier account or sign in.

Further help

Remember  that the best way to access Elsevier resources is via a search on the library resources home page, or via the eResources: Complete A-Z list. 

For further information or help please contact